How to Use Your Body the Right Way (Scientifically Proven)

QLTP program does not elaborate on the use of physical body, however we will summarize on the most interesting practices i’ve explored and found of signigicant use during my daily life. I leave the concept of physical development and use to the student, encouraging them to explore the modern possibilities of external courses like yoga, gym, sports, to enhance the use of their body if they wish so. However i consider the physical body treatments and corrections, a matter belonging to physicians, doctors and medical staffs. Here are some interesting concepts i found mostly in the Eastern culture:

Using your body correctly, informed by scientific practices and ancient wisdom, can significantly transform your physical, mental, and emotional wellbeing, contributing to personal and professional success. The physical body is viewed as a vehicle for carrying “something” – an essence, energy, or consciousness, regardless of how you name it, it resides within your body.

1. Mudras and Breathing Exercises

Mudras, or hand gestures used in yoga, can deeply influence your body’s energy and mood. Coupling these with breathing exercises, such as turning the hands (representing the integration of physical action with breath control), can enhance your focus, reduce stress, and promote energy flow.

2. Muscle Contraction and Breathing Exercise

Exercises that involve contracting your muscles while controlling your breathing can help in improving circulation, strengthening the musculoskeletal system, and enhancing mental clarity through increased oxygen flow to the brain.

3. The Art of Thinking and Not Thinking with Sound

Listening to a sound while trying to clear your mind is a powerful practice. It can help in achieving a meditative state, reducing stress, and enhancing cognitive functions by allowing the brain to rest and rejuvenate.

4. The Sounds “A,” “U,” and “M”

The sounds “Aaa” (representing wealth), “Uuu” (representing intelligence), and “Mmm” (representing power) are known as the fundamental sounds of existence: any being can emit these 3 fundamental sounds, even animals.

  • “Aaa” Sound: Emitting the “Aaa” sound creates a vibration that starts just below the navel and spreads throughout the body, which can enhance the sense of grounding and prosperity.
  • “Uuu” Sound: The “Uuu” sound generates vibrations that flow upwards from the soft spot just below the sternum, enhancing clarity and intelligence.
  • “Mmm” Sound: Producing the “Mmm” sound initiates vibrations from the base of the throat, spreading to the upper body, which can amplify personal authority and power.
  • “AUM” Sound: Chanting “AUM” combines all three sounds, moving the vibration from the navel to the tip of the nose, symbolizing the unity of the body, mind, and spirit. Regular practice can stabilize physiological and psychological processes.

The practice of chanting “AUM” a specific number of times (21, 33, 42, 54, 68, 72, 84, 95, or 108) can play a pivotal role in harmonizing the body and mind, with each count having its own significance.

5. Electromagnetic Energy of the Heart and Brain

The heart and brain emit electromagnetic fields that can influence one’s health and the environment. Practices that enhance the coherence between these fields, such as meditation, focused breathing, and positive intention, can improve emotional stability, cognitive function, and overall well-being.

Incorporating these practices into daily life not only taps into the body’s inherent wisdom but also leverages scientific understanding to achieve a balanced and successful life.

However the above practices are left to any external research the student wish to elaborate more with professionals and/or physicians, medical staffs.

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